Hands down, this is the best concert I've seen this year.
Uh Huh Her is a relatively new L.A.-based band, yet they have garnered quite a following because one of the members stars in a certain hit TV show on Showtime. But more on that later.
UHH released an EP in 2007, available for download only on iTunes. And they're currently wrapping up production on a new full release, titled
Common Reaction, due out in August.
I See Red EP made my top 5 list of 2007. Here's what I wrote:
Uh Huh Her: I See Red — It’s a sad day when bands break up. It’s a happy day when disbanded band members find other disbanded band members and learn how to make sweet, sweet music once again. As is the case with this group, which formed when Camila Grey (of Mellowdrone) met up with … uh huh, her … Leisha Hailey (of The Murmurs). Although neither had frontman experience — Grey played bass and dabbled in production (Dr. Dre, Kelly Osbourne) and Hailey has been on a five-year music hiatus doing time on the boob tube (as Alice in “The L Word”) — both have effortlessly stepped up front and center with this electro-pop EP. It’s edgy without being loud. Surreal without being cryptic. So the concert was amazing. My friend and I made the journey down to Nashville early Wednesday afternoon and decided to pass the time before the show doing the typical tourist stuff -- knocking back a few at a live music venue on Broadway. Robert's, Legends ... we saw all the big-hitter venues. Getting antsy and wanting to make sure we had a front spot in line, we headed over to Exit/Inn around 6pm for the 8pm show. Since no line had formed yet and we didn't want to look like stalkers, we walked over to a nearby coffee shop to mix in some espresso with all the beer now swirling in our bellies.
As soon as we entered the small, unassuming joint, there sat Cam, texting on her phone. I couldn't move, but my friend Lori had some courage and sat down right next to her, asking if she's ready for the show. I finally introduced myself and wished her luck tonight and quickly got back in line. As soon as I turned around, out walks Leisha from the bathroom, passing right by me. Again, my breathing stopped and I froze. She seemed happy that we were fans -- but glad we weren't too obsessed to break out the cameras. They said they were both tired from the trip in from Texas and got up to head back to the bus. Of course, I found out all of this only from listening, as I was still frozen from seeing Leisha in the flesh. But as she walked out, she looked back at me, smiled, and in a sweet, little voice, said, "You girls better scream loud for us tonight."
So the concert starts. We were near the front of the line, so we got in perfect position for the show (read: 2 feet from Leisha's keyboards and bass guitar). Their setlist featured songs from their EP, which most of the packed audience knew by heart already, as well as some new ones off the upcoming album. It was amazing. Rocking. Inspiring.
And afterward, Cam and Leisha stayed to sign and take photos with the audience -- something I doubt will happen often once they get more of a following. Being the dork that I am, I brought Leisha some Yoplait yogurt -- you may recognize her from those commercials ... you know ... "Burning this dress good." She was kinda weirded out at first, and then just laughed, saying, "You know, no one has ever brought me yogurt before."
Hey, I never said I was cool. But it was a great show. And if they ever come around again, I encourage you to check them out. —
Sara Havens